Electronic System

十大彩票网赌平台 utilizes an electronic system for recommending and awarding college credit to deserving high school students. This system, Career And Technology Education Management Application (CATEMA®) is a Web-based systems tool designed to provide a simple method for high school teachers to recommend students for accelerated college credits. High school teacher's recommendations for credit become immediately available for review and evaluation by the college. This paperless process allow for all necessary persons to have immediate access which quicken the steps to having the acquired credits placed on the college transcript and prevents loss of paperwork.


  • Make the Tech Prep program easily accessible to everyone in education.
  • Minimize the tasks necessary for the student, teacher, and Tech Prep staff.
  • Provide easily accessible and printable data in detail and summary reports.
  • Validate all data at the point of entry to reduce entry errors.
  • Assure data is accurate and secure, with separation of student, teacher, and school information.

User Account Categories

The Web-based system allows students, teachers, counselors, and school administrators to establish and maintain their own user accounts. There are three categories of user accounts, within each category are sub-accounts for individual users.

  • Student Accounts
  • Student: Creates, edit personal account information and view competency report.
  • High School Accounts
    • Teacher: Writes/edits students performance records for specific classes.
    • Counselor/Admin Staff: Read only information for specific school.
    • District Staff: Read only information for school district.
  • College Accounts
    • College Faculty: Read and limited add/edit student outcomes.
    • Counselor: Read only – look up student/credit recommendations, all schools.
    • Admissions: Read and limited add/edit of student outcomes.
    • Tech Prep Coordinator: Read/write access to all information.


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