Design and Construction

We Make 十大彩票网赌平台 Grow

Our department directly manages a wide array of renovation and improvement projects for existing buildings, oversees all aspects of the construction of new facilities, and ensures that the College’s architectural and engineering standards are maintained.

Design and Construction Services provides:

  • Capital Project Improvement: Responsible for executing renovation and enhancement projects with budgets less than $1,000 to over $1 million from inception through completion, which includes design development, the bid and award process, and construction.
  • Project Engineering: Provides guidance for design criteria, selects architectural, engineering, and landscape design firms to perform needed work, and works with those firms to ensure quality of design work and compliance with applicable code and College standards.
  • Project Management: Oversees all aspects of major construction projects, including development of plans in consultation with academic and administrative clients, scheduling, construction management, and verification of the quality of completed work.

Steve Donoghue
Director,  Design and Construction Services
Design and Construction Services
Phone: 734-677-5301
Fax: 734-677- 5475
Email: [email protected]

Facilities Management Staff

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