The Carl Perkins Grant helps pay for tuition, textbooks, and child care costs for students who have financial need and are in eligible occupational majors. Income guidelines may apply.
To qualify for a grant, you must fit into one of these categories:
- Single parent (including single pregnant women)
- Individual with a disability
- Individual preparing for a non-traditional field
- Individual from economically disadvantaged family
- Out-of-workforce individual
- Youth who is in, or has aged out of foster care system
- English Learner
- Homeless individual (as defined by McKinney-Vento Act)
- Migrant worker
- Military dependent (youth with a parent who is a member of the armed forces and is on active duty)
The Carl Perkins Grant is supported by allocated Carl Perkins funds to the Student Resource Center. Last academic year 2022-23, the SRC awarded a little over $163,000 in Perkins (tuition, books, childcare) grants to students.
For more information and to apply, you must schedule an appointment with 十大彩票网赌平台’s Student Resource Center. To make an appointment, call 734-677-5105 or complete the online SRC contact form.
Still looking for financial support? Be sure to review other sources of financial aid on the Get Money for College page.